Saturday, June 8, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - PG > SG > JP by SQ

Almost a month after my solo Taiwan trip, it was time to set off again for another solo trip! This time to Japan! And I have picked Nagoya as the destination cause I wanted to go somewhere new. Also, I got tickets to Ghibli Park, and it's in Nagoya! Woohoo! I wasn't as nervous about this trip as I did for my Taiwan trip. For one, I was staying through out my two weeks in Nagoya itself. There wasn't any train connection to do, and only 3 hotels to move around, all within the city. No sweat! Above is a photo I took before I set out for my trip. It's my Japanese books collection in Penang, lol. I wanted to make sure I didn't buy books I already have at home! Japanese books are now on my shopping list whenever I am in Japan. It's so much cheaper to buy it there, and even more so if I find them in 2nd hand book stores like BookOff!

First leg of my trip, flight from Penang to Singapore. I don't really mind transit flights at Singapore as I can meet up with my husband or go home for the night. I'm so glad my home in Singapore is near the airport! Unlike  my home in Penang. I guess I must have took the grab to the airport. And since it cost so much, I must have saved on food and eat my late lunch at the lounge, lol. 

This was going to be my last flight under Krisflyer Gold, and I am always grateful to have access to the lounge cause free food saves me money!

When I went to the lounge, the receptionist gave me a piece of paper and told me SQ passenger gets a special western food order today. Weeeee! Just so happens I have craving for some fish and chips. I happily checked my selection, and went to the food counter to place my order. While waiting for the food to be cooked, clumsy me actually dropped the piece of paper above in between some cracks at the counter..... I was thinking "there goes my fish and chips". When the chef came back with my order and asked for the paper, I sadly told him I dropped it in between the crack of the counter. I was prepared to go without my fish and chips, but luckily, he said nevermind, it was ok. And he let me have my fish and chips :)

Happy, I went and find a table to enjoy my western food! I was a bit sad that it was only one piece of fish, but it was delicious! And left me more room in my tummy to eat more food!

I was hoping they have the spicy curry chicken I had last time which was delicious. No luck. Only what looked like curry fish. Ok lah. I was hungry. So I loaded up on curry fish and some vegetables. Some sandwiches and some cakes. After this plate, I was full. But I still have a lot of time before my flight.

So I decided to have a slow tea time at the lounge. Made myself a nice cup of coffee, and loaded up more cakes, which was surprisingly nice. The food choices here is quite limited. But I find that whatever they do have is usually quite tasty :)

It was a beautiful day to fly. Taking off from Penang Airport, the view was just beautiful!

I could see all the islands, and also the Penang bridge. This is probably the first bridge since it's so straight? What an iconic view!

The view on top was just as lovely. With the setting sun changing into a soft orange among the clouds.

And finally reaching Singapore, with all the ships parked outside. This view always reminded me of that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean where Chow Yun-Fat says "Welcome to Singapore!". Iconic!

My connecting flight was almost 6 hours later, so I exit the airport to meet my husband for dinner. I wanted to eat my favourite KFC cause they have the gold spice flavoured chicken on sale for a limited time! 

Mission accomplished. Probably ate to much. Hope I still have room for lounge food later!

After wandering around Jewel, I went back in to the airport, and parked myself at the lounge again. For supper, I have my bowl of Singapore Laksa, chilled white wine, and took some TWG Tea with me for luck! And of course, filling up on my favourite tomato juice box! I read that tomato juice is the best drink you can drink on a plane, cause it's full of vitamins and helps you stay hydrated. I personally prefer vegetables to fruits, and tomato is one of my favourite vegetables. Off to Nagoya! Let's go!

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