After 6 months of wearing contact lenses, I'm improving at the speed of putting on a pair, and each pair can last me up to 8 hours now without popping out, but I still have questions about them. Maybe you feel the same way? Here are some FAQ I managed to compile, as well as answers to them :)
1. Can you wear your contact lenses while bathing?
Ans: Avoid it. Ref - CNIB
From Experience: No. When the soup and water get into my eye, it made the lenses sticky and when you blink, they kinda glue your eye lids together :P
2. Can you wear your contact lenses on an airplane?
Ans: Yes on short flight. Better not on long flight. Lubrication drops might help. Ref - Contact Lens Information UK
3. Can you wear your contact lenses to a facial?
Ans: Couldn't get a good answer on the web. But a facial chemical peel site advices that you should remove your contact lenses before going for a procedure. Ref -
4. Can you wear your contact lenses to a spa or sauna?
Ans: No. Ref -
5. Can you wear your contact lenses while you're driving with the top down?
Ans: Yes, and this reference site gives very good info on contact lenses and driving. Ref -
From Experience: Yes. From Tampines to Sixth Avenue and back, no problem!
6. Can you wear your contact lenses when the wind is blowing sand into your face?
Ans: No if you're in the desert. Ref - Yahoo Answer
From Experience: I feel vulnerable when the wind blow, so usually I put on my sunglasses to avoid sand getting into my eye.
7. Can you wear your contact lenses when you're standing directly under the air con?
Ans: Depending on person's eye. But it is definitely uncomfortable when it gets to dry. Ref - Andrew Gasson
From Experience: I avoid shopping with my lenses on. I use Acuvue Moist, yet my eyes get dry in air condition.
8. Can you wear your contact lenses in the rain?
Ans: Yes. But not sure about acid rain though :P Ref - Contact Lens Information Center
9. Do they have transition contact lenses?
Ans: Can't find any answer on the web :( But there is a US patent registered for it. Read the ref if you're interested. Ref - US Patent Storm
10. Can I wear different diameter contact lenses?
Ans: Yes you can! To make your eye ball look bigger! Ref -
Maybe some of the reference links will help answer more of your questions :P I know I have mine all answered :) Sometimes I'm glad I have this blog, else I'll never be bothered to find out anything at all :) By the way, yes, those are my real lenses in the photo :)
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