Thursday, January 2, 2020

December 2019

Finally we have come to the end of the Schedule Book series for 2019. I'm excited to start another year of Schedule book, and I've actually been preparing it for a month now. It's going to be a super unique book. I would probably most more about it tomorrow!

Coming back to December's highlight as I wrap up my year, in real-time, I am actually blogging this on New Year's Eve 31-Dec-2019. I've completed my scheduler book only today after closing off all the accounting part. The book is now sleeping nicely in my bookshelf for future reference only. 

Top highlight of the month? Quitting my job again, and this time being the shortest job duration ever at 14 months! I tendered on 13-Dec, and my last day will be 11-Jan. I didn't want it to exceed my birthday as part of me wanted to mark it as a retirement milestone, part of me have no desire to be working on my birthday, and I was tired of going to work on the other side of the country daily. When I joint the company, I thought I would have the chance to work overseas for a long period of time. But turns out, I was only overseas for 3.5 weeks out of the 14 months I work there. With the change in my family situation, I also thought it was time to put the travel bug to a rest and remain more grounded. So bye bye job. 2020 is going to be a super exciting year! (At least for the first 3 months anyway!)

2nd highlight was me making Tangyuan for Dongzhi. How traditional is that! It even comes with peanut fillings and sesame fillings! I am still amazed how a short wagashi workshop can spin off so many other cooking projects! I also attempt to make ondeh-ondeh this week, but it was a failed project never to be attempted again! But tangyuan was do-able. It's cheap, filling, and healthy for me! 

Towards the end of the year, I've also decided to slowly change my diet. When I came back from my Thailand trip in November, I weight 63kg. Today, I weight 59.9kg, and that was mainly due to the damaged done dining at 5Guys and Shake Shack recently. My lowest achieved in December was 59.5kg. And this has given me much motivation to try to achieve my ideal BMI of 57kg. After all, it's just another 3kg, right? I have big plans for 2020! To start off, I switched to chicken breast the other day and survived! It actually didn't taste that bad or dry. Nothing a little Nandos sauce can't fix! So I'm thinking of continuing on this trend and see how the weight goes. 

I've also decided to eat more salad after buying a bottle of Japanese Sesame Sauce that taste amazing on the salad! And to round it all up, I've decided to cut down on carbs and eat more fruits and vegetables instead. I've also started using my Instagram as a food diary. You can check it out if you are interested of all the amazing food creation I've come up with so far. 

2020 is looking to be good so far. From February onwards when I am back in Singapore, I plan to start fully utilising my gym membership as it will be more accessible to me then. If I keep this up, I plan to lose my tummy and start on some abs and perhaps better looking clothes! Wish me luck! Happy New Year 2020!

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