Sunday, December 6, 2020

October 2020

It's December 2020 now, and I am catching up with my monthly post again. I will try to catch up till November by today. To date, it has been more than 10 months since I left Singapore. Am I going mad yet? Not really. Although there are times that I really crave looking at majestic mountains and listening to the rain drops hitting the stones, or something silly like that. Being surrounded by concrete makes me mentally and emotionally unstable at times. It's like I am not living in the real world.... What have I been up to besides work? (Yes I am still working....)

Well, one of my major achievement for the month of October was actually recreating Horai 551 Nikkuman! I know! Crazy right? But you have no idea how much I crave these buns ever since trying them in Osaka last year. And it wasn't something you could find in Singapore either. So after much researching and watching of youtube, I decided to make an attempt at it. I declare one Sunday as dough day and started out by making Siew Mai for breakfast, and Nikkuman for lunch, and Gyoza and Ramen for dinner. My favourite of the day was of course these sweet Nikkuman. I must confess that I did put in more onions than called for. But they were heavenly! Too bad we only got to eat 4 each. Will definitely make again in future. 

The next new hobby I got was taking care of my garden. I started out getting some air plants, and then tried some cheap succulents which I got from Giant. I even started some vegetables in my small garden. Although I tried to read up on my succulents, one of them died on me and I got discouraged. I put the other one out in the sun, and surprisingly it is still alive and going well today!

These are the succulent I got from Giant at only SGD $2.50 each. Sadly the short one died on me few weeks later. But before that, they do make lovely photo taking at home. They also make my home cafe look like a genuine hipster cafe! So basically, I was happy to get them. Might try again in future to get more. 

The air plant experiment was a lot more successful. I got this one from Garden By The Bay gift shop at only SGD $2.70. After a few weeks, it started to bloom. When I bough it, I purposely pick one that looked like it can be separated into a few. So I actually have two now. I separated them after it bloom hoping that some pups would come out of it. So far nothing. But having to airplant hanging on my window frame looks pretty satisfying. I give them a bath every Sunday and hang them out for some sun. They seems to be growing well for now. 

The seeds from NPark also kept me occupied. The tomato seeds didn't make it. But these micro bak choy did, and I did harvest them as garnish for my soup later on. It wasn't exactly the Xiao Bak Choy I was expecting, but they do look lovely in this white pot. 

Lastly I got two spinach seedlings from my friend. And I wasn't having high hopes for them, so I casually just put them in recycled milk bottles. To my delight, they grew quite well! And I have harvested the leaves three times to date! Each time was enough to maybe make one omelette or one portion of instant noodle. 

Above is the most bountiful harvest so far when the leaves were plump and big. It made a nice instant noodle serving. Now, the spinach are glowing slowly and with small leaves. But no worries, I got a whole pack of seeds for them in my second NPark seed distribution! And I've also started to grow Chillies and Lady's Finger in the garden! Hopefully they all make it to harvest time! Probably by next year!

Since there wasn't any hope of travelling, we did go out for shopping from time to time. We went to Meidi-ya at Great World City one day, and woohoo what a productive day! I got a hail of Japanese stuff from there and felt so happy. I really miss Japan. And the best buy in the picture above is actually the green apples! I got them at the reduce to clear bin for only SGD$1.00 for 5! Lasted me more than 1 week worth of eating! Who knew I got get cheap and valuable stuff from Meidiya!

I am also in love with this Canelle I got from a bakery at Great World City. I saw it during my previous visit, but when I went to buy it, they were sold out. So on this trip, I bought one the moment we were out of the carpark and into the mall! And they did not disappoint. The only thing is, they cost almost SGD4.00 EACH! I found a recipe for them later, but it seems complicated to make. Maybe I'll make an attempt at it one day.... Apparently they contain rum in them! Maybe that's why I love them so much. They smell heavenly to me. 

The other notable thing to highlight is my husband got us a Thermomix machine. He said he wanted it for his fermentation. I was sceptical of it at first since it cost like SGD2k++. But the very first thing I cook with it pretty much convinced me that Thermie and I are destined to be best friend after that :)

A Thermomix is basically a cooking robot. And you can link it to an online recipe repository call Cookidoo which is subscription based. You get a 6 months free subscription when you first bought a Thermomix. With the recipe linked, you can just select the things you want to cook, and the machine will guide you on the steps to make magic happen!

Here's what it looks like. It's a step by step guide. You first need to get and measure all the ingredients you need. Then just read and obey. It helps you to weight in everything along the way too. And you don't have to remember the speed or temperature when you cook if you are using the Cookidoo recipe. You just turn the  knob. If you are not cooking with Cookidoo, you have to manually program the speed and temperature etc to cook. 

Some of the beginner stuff we made were Lemonade and Soya Milk. I love the soya milk. My husband have made it for me 3 to 4 times now. And We've only had it for two months so far. I kinda cut down on my cow milk now. But the only thing is, my husband follows the recipe that requires sugar. So now I am asking him to cut down on the sugar, cause I don't really like sweet drinks at all. And all the sugar is also contributing to my weight gain!

The reason my Thermie is now a family member is because it cooks curry for me! From scratch! As in it makes the paste, and saute it and all. So the very first curry I made with it was actually fish head curry. And the smell of the rempah filling my house was convincing enough for me to confess my love for it. The taste of it was another amazing thing. It smells and tasted like home. But sadly, my husband can't stomach curries every week. So maybe I'll try making it twice a month? So far I've made Curry Fish Head, Curry Capitan, and Ayam Masak Merah. The Sambal Kangkong I made last week was also a winner! I even have belacan in my kitchen now! And now I can cook with galangal, bungah kantang etc. 

The other thing I use Thermie for is making cakes! I've made two castella cake, and one to-die-for brownies. I am planning to make banana cake today since I got a bunch of bananas (5 banana in a bunch) for SGD$1.00 this morning at the market. I've also gone pretty mad on nuts and spend SGD$25 on nuts yesterday just to make more brownies and some Christmas goodies that are coming up soon!

On weekdays I try to use the Thermomix to make soup for a lighter diet. It made making soup so easy. I just throw all the ingredient in and voila, blended so soup and taste so delicious! The first soup I made was mushroom. And I made enough for a few meals. The photo on top is mushroom soup topped with pork floss which I also made using the Thermomix! My homemade pork floss is like meat flavouring for me. I add it to my soup to make it tastier and with more texture.

The next soup I tried was pumpkin soup, and I love these the most and have made it twice so far. I love how cheap it is. The pumpkins are never more than SGD$2.00, and I can make like 3 to 4 bowls of soup with it. I also add cashew nuts in them, so they are quite filling. It feels so nourishing to eat home made soup from fresh ingredient!

Above is the 3rd soup of Bell Pepper and Tomatoes. This one was a bit watery and took a long time to finish. I also added cashew nuts and for some reason, I got rashes after having these. Not gonna make these any time soon. 

Now that it's December, I've also made Leek and Potato soup which finishes in a day! I joint a few Facebook group and people were recommending it so much that I decided to give it a try. It smells so heavenly and taste so good! I also made onion soup two weeks back. They tasted ok too. Sometimes I guess I need to adjust the recipe a bit to my liking.

So with the Thermomix, I spend most weekends at home cooking up different recipe to try. I've learned to adjust the recipe along the way, as I realise I like my chicken cooked till juicy and not dry. I've also cut out a lot of sugar or salt recommended in the recipe. And if it's a chinese recipe that calls for ginger, I will just ignore it. But if it's curry or rendang that calls for ginger, I will add it in. I don't really know why that is. Lol. 

Am looking forward to Christmas to make more goodies! I got myself walnut, pistachios, hazelnuts, pine nuts and almond yesterday for my Christmas bake-off! I'm taking 3 days off after Christmas to play with food :)

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