On my last day in Nagoya, I actually stayed in my hotel till almost lunch time! But my lunch time is usually around 11am though. And for some reason, I really really wanted to eat some Japanese Eggplant. I love eggplant, and I suddenly have craving for them. I search the nearby restaurants, and found a family friendly shop called Yayoi. This restaurant is also available in Singapore, and they serve home-like food set, for quite a reasonable price. So I made my way there in time for the opening time. I made my order, and sat at the solo seats looking out into the streets. It was more of a CBD area, so there were many salary man and working adults nearer to the lunch hour.

My very satisfying lunch! It was a simple meal, quite light, and something I could have cooked at home. But it was very comforting, to have this as my last lunch here. It was filling, and simple, and very Japanese :) I was very happy with it. The only problem I had was, after my meal, I wasn't sure if I had to return my tray as this was a family restaurant. I couldn't see a return tray station, so I decided to just leave it. Hope I didn't play the role of the ugly tourist that day! Lol. But it was my last day, and I was kinda exhausted from all the protocol.... After lunch, I had a slow walk to Nagoya Castle to sight see. On the way back. I also stopped by an old Archive Building which was rather lovely.

When I reached my hotel, it was early afternoon, and very hot. So I settle down for an ice coffee and anmitsu (again). I've lost track of how many anmitsu I ate in this trip. Maybe 4? 5? Lol. I regret nothing! Anmitsu is hard to find in Singapore, and even harder in Penang. Plus, the price in Japan was a lot lower. So I'm gonna eat them as long as I feel like it!
I was wondering what to have for dinner, when I saw an Instagram message from my Japanese friend Airi. She recommended I try Yama-chan fried chicken. And so, I found myself walking to the nearest shop at 5pm to buy some fried chicken! Lol. That's my shadow in front of the shop. It was super hot!
I have looked up the menu online. Yama-chan was more of a drinking place where you go with a group. I was solo, so I wasn't going to dine there. Luckily they have some takeaway menu for loners like me! I was wondering how to order, so I was really happy to see they have set meals too!

I decided to go with Yakisoba with the fried chicken set. It was a very weird experience. While I was making my way there, it felt just like a how I felt when I go to my nearby shops to buy a meal at home. Maybe cause I didn't bring any bags with me, and just wander out empty handed. When I went to the shop, I went upstairs, and with my very primitive Japanese and the help of my mobile, I showed the staff the menu I wanted and asked if they have that. He understood, and took down my order, and gave me a number to wait while I sit. For some reason, I felt so at home and familiar. And when he called out my number, I stood up to collect my order, and rush back to my hotel like I was rushing back home. It was kind of like a defining moment for me, after staying in Nagoya for two weeks on my own. I felt like I've blend in and made myself at home in this foreign land that I love so much.

Back in the hotel, I settle down to enjoy my dinner. Above is what was in the bag. The yakisoba looked delicious!
When I opened the box, I saw the fried chicken and it smelled wonderful! The taste was delicious too. It might have been nicer if I had it there with some beer! Perhaps next time, I could go with someone and sit on the floor at their restaurant and enjoy these lovely fried chicken. But I'm glad I tried it. It's like Horai 551. Sometimes you got to try things you thought you knew, and realise you were so wrong. That similar things can taste very different in different country and culture!