Monday, July 22, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Domatsuri Part 2

The main stage of the dance festival was in the middle of the Hisaya Odori Park.

There was a super big stage, with mc and video crew there.

There was also ticketed seats, and gated area. But you also stand by the side and just watch. If it's not too crowded, the police and security personnel doesn't really bother you much. As long as a lane was kept open for people to walk thru, they were pretty chill about it. The Japanese people were also very well behave, so there wasn't any pushing, or any rude behaviour really.

On stage, some performances have kids participating. There were some with seniors too.

As you can see, they really go all our in their performance. The props alone was huge, colourful and memorable!

Here's another clip for your entertainment.

After getting sick of the performances, I cross the road to Hisaya Odori Park. There were some high end dining and shopping around the park. All too expensive and fancy for me. But they do light up the place and make it pretty trendy.

This is the Nagoya Tower. I suddenly realised that I've started collecting the towers of Japan. So far I have Tokyo Tower, Osaka Sinsekai Tower, Beppu Tower, Fukuoka Tower, and now Nagoya Tower. I am headed to Kobe in November, so I'm gonna go get a photo of the Kobe Tower too.

I stayed out so late at the dance festival that when I finally made my way to buy some dinner from the department store, many of them were closed or out of much selection. Luckily I got a bowl of my favourite udon and sparkling sake from Donki, so I just went back to the hotel and bought a fried chicken from Yamazaki Bakery nearby for the protein. Sad dinner, but very entertaining day out!

Love Aichi Forever! The very first time I was all alone in a Japanese city on my own :)
Thank you for taking care of me while I was there :)

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