Thursday, July 25, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Meals on 2nd Last Day


2nd last day in Nagoya, I decided to visit Osu shrine. It was probably another ridiculous 40minutes walk away or something, lol. You get the point by now? I'm super stingy on transport cost if I can just walk there, and back! Anyway, breakfast was amazake, rice cracker, and dessert cheese. One benefit of aging is, I can't really eat that much in a day. So I usually have my biggest meal during lunch time. 

Unfortunately, I didn't find anything to my liking, or budget at Osu area. I ended up in Sugakiya, and decided to try their ramen since it's even sold in supermarket! Bummer, it didn't taste good at all! Pretty watery, and not much ingredient. Not gonna have a repeat of this ever again!

I did have a repeat of the anmitsu. I ate so many anmitsu in this trip I might have been pee-ing sugary drinks! Although I ordered the ramen and dessert together, the lady asked if I wanted my dessert now or later. I told her later, and she gave me a ticket to redeem it after my meal. And I love it that I conversed in Japanese throughout my order. I am always nervous when they ask me additional questions. Cause I really suck at listening, cause native speakers tend to speak so fast! But I'm always so happy when I can catch some keyword, and over the sky if I can reply back! 3.5years of lesson have not gone to total waste!

For dinner, I decided to splurge! Nagoya is famous for their Hitsumabushi Rice, which is BBQ eel rice. It is usually very expensive, but I found a store nearby selling a set for only 1300yen! Around 13sgd. I went there on their opening time to beat the crowd. To my surprise, it was a modern restaurant and they have an ordering machine in the entrance. So I ordered, paid, and got my ticket and went to sit down and wait. Green tea freeeeee.

I sat at the bar counter since I was alone. The store was pretty empty. I was perhaps the 2nd or 3rd customer. After that, more tourist came in. When your order is ready, they will call out the number (in Japanese.....). Luckily, I am super fluent in Japanese numbers! Hahaha. I went to collect my food and came back to my table. 

Ta-dah! You are supposed to portion your rice into 4 parts, and eat them each differently. I tried it, and decided that I like it either dry, or either in the soup (which tasted like tea). Dinner was over too soon! It was super delicious! Highly recommended!

Through out my day in Osu area, I keep seeing this pig character in red sarong. I was wondering what it was. Was it a kami(God) or something? 

Turns out it's a BBQ pork restaurant, cause on my walk back, I finally chance upon it.

I didn't try it. Cause it looked expensive, and there was always many tourist inside. Maybe next time? 

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