Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Fuji Ice Breaker Part 1

I'm gonna do two separate posting of the Fuji Ice Breaker. That is how you know that I truly love a place. Actually, I didn't even know about this place until I did my research on Nagoya and was just fascinated by it. I just had to visit this place. And from the review I read, everyone says it was just a small museum. So I wasn't exactly expecting much from it. But since I was already here, I might as well visit it since I was so drawn to it. Two post! No regrets buying that combi-ticket. Actually from the post I made of Nagoya, I felt that this whole trip was rather a nerdy trip, lol. From cars, to trains, to aquariums and ice breaker? Might as well throw in a science museum, right? Actually, that's lined up too! Lol. I have a planetarium as part of my agenda! Anyway..... above, some official info on the ship.

Below more official info. Please zoom in to view both ya! You should know the protocol by now!

So, upon climbing up to the ship to enter, the very first thing you see is a small exhibit right at the canteen area. Above is the canteen, where crews used to have their meals served to them. The green/blue (I'm color blind, so you decide what color is, nobody sees the same color anyway) door on the right, is where you enter later to explore the rest of the ship.

Here is what the dining area looked like. Behind it are photos of the expedition displayed in exhibition format. It was actually very informative. A documentation of the expedition. 

Here is the view of the kitchen area on the ship as I started to walk into the ship. You are free to explore at your own pace. But once you enter the ship, the corridors are rather narrow, so you might be holding up the people behind you if you linger too long at a place. 

This is what the narrow corridor looked like.

But although the ship looked small, it had everything it needed on it for the expedition. Above is the medi-room where a doctor was available for any medical emergency, or even illness. They were after all, going to the Antarctic. So the had to be prepared!

There was also a barber on board, and a salon. I find things like this rather interesting. Cause I like to imagine what it was like being a part of the expedition. What their day to day life must be like etc. 

I was super psych when I saw they also have a library on board!

Although it wasn't functioning as a library anymore, it used to have books and tables for people to gather and read in. Now it was just another exhibition area. Above is a model of the ship

The ceremonial bell of the ship on display here. 

There was a circular window that you can looked out from. Above is the view.

Moving on, there was also a helicopter pad with an actual helicopter parked there. 

And of course the command center. 

Here is Captain Cordy reporting for duty!

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