Saturday, July 13, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Aquarium Part 2 Highlights

Part 2 of my aquarium journey deals more on the normal creatures of the sea, but still as fascinating. We start off with the first 'live' show I watched there, which was the Sardine Tornado. It was a beautiful glass display with the sardines swimming relaxing in the water. But when the performance started, it was amazing how they could make the sardine swims based on where they throw the feeds!

Here is when the performances was on. They turned off the lights, and the sardine just shines! I love the above picture cause it's not too different from a group of people staring up into the night sky, staring into the universe.... And the Earth spins, hence the night sky spinning effect in the photos! Hahaha. Am I imagining too much?

A video prior to the show.

The other cute exhibition was where the sea turtles were. Look at the cutie above. It was almost like they were flying through space! Just like the Great A'Tuin in Discworld. The turtle moves!

Above is the adult turtle swimming in the pool. They looked so graceful in the water.

What fascinates me, besides all the above, was they have a simulation of a beach and sea for the turtle eggs which they were awaiting hatching. That means once the turtles are hatched, it was almost like they were in their natural surroundings, and they had to make their way into the ocean (artificial pool of water here). I like that very much. It was like someone cared enough to create the world for these yet to be born babies, so that they won't be deprived of growing up natural, even though everything was setup in the Nagoya Aquarium.... Perhaps one day, us humans will also live our life like this, in a simulation created either by our future self, or perhaps an alien life..... better yet, who is to say we are not living in one now?

Another exhibit I enjoyed was the jelly fish. You would think, jelly fish are boring! But nope! They are another alien life form that is so different from us that it is hard to imagine. Simpler life form? Yet so beautiful and elegant in the water. Sometimes, even deadly.

There were so many different types too! Above looked like threads spinning in a washing machine! They all looked so delicate! So formless. 

And this photo above, just looked like different planets in the orbit! With their different colours representing the different gases found on each planet! Isn't it fascinating? That life imitates the universe in a smaller scale?

Back on earth now, they also have the penguins. So many of them, living in a crowded tank/display. Being feed with so much fish and not having to hunt or make a living in their life. But captive forever here. Their world, confined into such a small rectangle box..... And this was why, it was hard for me to visit zoos or aquarium where the animals are just so jammed up in an enclosed area.....

African Penguins, being housed outdoors. I always though penguins lived in the snow. How wrong I was. What terrible bias I had!

And lastly, the last post coming up will be of the big stars of the aquarium, the dolphins and the orca!

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