Monday, July 15, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Half Way Point Move to Sakae and Meals

We have now come to the half way point of my trip. All these while, I have been more or less staying in cheap hotels near the Nagoya Station. The reason being to save cost, as well as the convenience in taking to the train to all the attraction on my first half of the trip. For the second half, I'll be treating myself to a better hotel, and staying at the shopping belt of Nagoya! But before I check out and move hotel, I decided to give myself a breakfast treat for getting myself this far without incident! I wanted to visit another cafe called Kissa Morning. Kissa here has no relation to Kiss. Kissaten is a japanese word for cafe actually!

The cafe was actually nearer to the first hotel I stayed at. So I had to walk back to the old place. As the walk was via residential area, I kinda felt I was a resident in the area now. Just a usual morning walk to the nearby shop to get my usual breakfast! Above is the front of the shop. 

Going inside, they have their own roaster there. I love visiting places where they roast their own beans, or take pride in the way they serve their coffee

I made my order, and took my egg upstairs to find a seat. Since I was alone, I decided to park myself in a solo seat. It was a nice cafe, quite crowded actually, but the solo area was pretty much comfortable, although it had no view since it was facing a wall.

My breakfast was served to me. I ordered the classic Nagoya Orgura Toast breakfast with anko paste and butter. It came with a hard boil egg, a salad, and jam yogurt. As a treat, I also top up to have their special house brand coffee! Talk about splurging on my holiday! I forgot how much the breakfast cost. Maybe less than 10sgd? 

After finishing, I went back to check out from my hotel, and took the train to Sakae Station to find my next hotel. As it was early and I couldn't check in, I left my bags there and wander off to Sakae shopping area. Most of the shops can be found underground. On the way back to check-in, I bought a nikkuman, a meat bao. I was missing the Kansai Horai 551 and was hoping to get something similar here. Nope, no luck. It was filling, but it wasn't Horai 551! Lol.

I also bough back some dinner along the way. Since I passed by a few Japanese department store, I saw so many awesome food at their basement food section. It was hard to decide what to get! So I got both a cold sushi platter, as well as a cooked platter with mostly meat and fried stuff. The ice coffee was free from the coffee machine at the hotel lobby, and I also ate my favourite Japanese snacks for dessert. All in all, it was a good day! 

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