Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Nagoya Castle


Reaching Nagoya Castle around noon time was super hot! And from the entrance to the castle, was quite a bit of a walk! Luckily there were some museums along the way that I can go hide from the sun from.

Here is a map of Nagoya Castle. Look how big it is!

The first building I went into was a small museum. And here there are some explanation of the castle, as well as this decorative fish that can be found at the top of the castle. It seems like it is an auspicious symbol of Nagoya.

The current fish is actually golden in colour, but they have the older ones which were either made of silver or stone. I think they looked pretty cool. Mystical creatures.

Interestingly, they are also used to decorate the samurai armour. I wonder how they fight with it, lol. But perhaps this is more of a ceremonial costume?

Next, before reaching the castle, there is this wooden building that houses a lot of treasures inside. I will do a separate post on it. But mainly, this was the reason I dragged myself here. I've visited many castles in Japan before, but this was the first time I was able to view a treasure house!

At last, the castle. It was under renovation, so I can't go inside.  Can only look from the outside. 

Nearer to the gardens of the castle, there was a small museum showcasing toys. It was a rather cute museum. Nothing fancy. Just a wooden house, very small. But the exhibit inside was adorable!

Here too, you can see the auspicious fish in miniature side. And a big fish hugging a baby girl!

Souvenir pot hole shot!

And surprisingly, I came across Kato Kiyomasa again! I actually purposely went to look for his statue after coming out from the castle. The reason was just 4 months prior, I saw the same statue of him when I was visiting Kumamoto Castle in Kyushu. I thought it was a nice coincidence that he was here in Nagoya too. So I went over to say "hi" to him, before leaving Nagoya :)

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