Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Shopping at Sakae

Since Sakae was a shopping district, and I was staying there as my last leg of the trip, it meant that I could finally start shopping! There were so many big department stores nearby, and underground malls. One of the mall I visited was Meidiya! We have that in Singapore too, but the one here was so different. They actually sell their own products! Like anmitsu dessert above. 430Yen was kinda expensive, but I think I bought one anyway cause I love anmitsu, and was curious how to eat one that you have to assemble yourself. 

They also have this assorted cheese platter which I wanted to much to buy. But at 2808Yen! Almost 30sgd! Pass! Although it does look so delicious. Interestingly, after this trip, in the month of December, I actually borrowed a book on cheese platter, and made 3 times of different platter for Christmas! It was a lot cheaper that 30sgd too! Cause I bought all miniature cheese from Mark and Spenser. Will post about that one day.....


Moving on. On my first day, after checking in and resting, it was still too early to call it a day. So I went back out to explore some shops. Just nearby, there was a hug Daiso shop, as well as a BookOff second hand bookstore. This was probably the first time I bought 2nd hand books from BookOff. On previous trips, I have bought CDs from them before. It was so cheap! But back then, I haven't started reading Japanese books. I started only during Covid in 2020. Now, it's on my trip list to visit bookstores to buy books! And 2nd bookstore are selling them so cheap! Some of the books, I got for just 100yen or 200yen! Now the question is, do I read them? I do attempt to! Lol. For the comic series on the left, I've read them all. I have another at home which I got from Kinokuniya KL. Love them! I do need to look up words constantly. Japanese books are just so adorable, and informative, and cute. I love buying them and keeping them for future read too. 

As for Daiso, they cost 2.15sgd per item in Singapore. Here in Japan, they will cost around 1.10sgd! So of course I will be buying stuff here. I love buying character chopsticks whenever I am in Japan. I use them daily anyway, so it's a no brainer to buy one if I like it. I got a Hello Kitty this trip. I got a Colour Book with Japanese patterns too, and some weird drinks. One is a grain drink that tasted horrible. Ok, to be fair it tasted like malt, but it wasn't what I was looking for. The amazake drink was surprisingly nice, although I think there was a hint of ginger in it....

Oh and I forgot to add that earlier before I check-in, I've already gone to Donki to survey what they sell there. Look at all the alcohol! I can't possible drink them all! And so cheap too!

I was tempted to get this Yamada Sake. They sell the green bottle in Singapore, but not this blue bottle one. I tried it once in a Tonkatsu restaurant in orchard, and they charge me almost 20sgd for it! Here it was selling at around 3.50sgd! Problem was, I might not be able to finish a bottle on my own (although I practically did that time at the restaurant cause my friend didn't like the taste of it). I really like the taste of it, but I didn't want to be drunk or hangover on my solo trip, so I decided to forego it. Maybe next time Yamada-san!

I did buy this sparkling sake though. And it was delicious. Very easy to drink. I love the blue bottle. But at 278yen a bottle, I think it was rather expensive, considering that I down one bottle in a single meal. 

I also found this cute No Face lunch boxes in Donki, selling at around 10sgd+. It consist of 3 boxes all inside one another! And since I didn't really get anything much from my Ghibli Park trip, I decided to get this lunch boxes. 

Here is what they look like after opening it up. I love these! I use them to store snacks at home, or if I am travelling I bring them along to store snacks too. It's a lot cheaper to bring your own snacks than to buy unknown price snacks outside! 

I think I had a very productive day on my first day in Sakae. Shopping was quite a success! Can't wait to see what else I have in store for the trip!

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