Friday, July 26, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Osu Kannon Temple


Walking to Osu Temple was quite a walk. It says 20mins, but it felt longer, cause it was so hot. I somehow managed to reach it via their back door, lol. Above is the side entrance into the temple. I guess I came via the residential area, so I guess it's where all the people who might have worked in the temple stayed. I like it though, it was very village like. 

Above is actually the boring official entrance, meaning it is connected to the main road, and most tourist bus would stop here for people to walk into the temple compound. Yeah, I preferred my back door alley entrance :P

Osu Temple is a Kannon Temple, means it's dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy. Fun fact, did you know the brand Canon is named after her? Above is the grand Osu temple. There was a flea market on the day I visited. It was on purposed cause market day always made the place much more memorable. Lots of nice second hand goods on sale, especially lovely tea cups, glass ware, and stuff I just love. But I didn't want to ask the price, and I didn't want to carry stuff home that are fragile and breakable. 

Walking up to the temple. Holy places are always filled with stairs to test your faith!

It was not a crowded temple like those in Tokyo or Kyoto. Around it, there were beautiful lanterns decorating the area. 

The giant lantern adorn the main entrance into the temple. 

And inside are the Gods. Outside is for you to hang your wishes.

Inside looks ancient enough. It was an old temple. 

There as a mechanical doll show outside the carpark of the temple. It plays a scene at fixed hour. I did came back to watch a show, but I couldn't get any nice photo of it because the front of the stage was covered in glass, and the sun was just shinning on it causing a bad reflection on any photos taken. But it was nice seeing how robots are taking over traditional puppet show!

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