Sunday, July 28, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Osu Area Notable Shrine and Temple

Besides Osu Temple, I did find two more notable worship site around the area. One was by accident, and it was an Inari Shrine, which means a Fox Shrine. I was surprised nobody was actually there. It wasn't very noticeable, just a small path into the temple by a crossroad at Osu Shopping Street.


But once inside, it opens up to a small pathway of red torii gates leading into the main shrine.

Sadly the main shrine was closed. But you could clearly see the foxes inside. It was quiet and beautiful.

See, totally nobody was there!

The other temple was nearer to a crowded shopping street near a Donki Quijote shop. It was on my list of places to go to as it was described as a modern zen temple. 

There was a white dragon at the side of temple that looked super realistic. It was one of the reason I wanted to visit it, cause I super love dragons! I have to come pay homage!

It was quite a simple temple. You could purify yourself outside before entering

They have kindly provided some explanation on how to do the ritual of cleaning. But since Covid, it wasn't as popular a ritual as before. These days, hand sanitiser are seen instead. How tradition has changed.....

The temple was mostly unmanned. You could make wishes, donation and pray to the gods inside on your own. There is an elevator up to the prayer halls, but I didn't went up. It felt too modern for me.

But I really did like the white dragon! 

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