Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Solo Trip Nagoya (August 2023) - Slow Walk to Nagoya Castle


This post is about the walk I took after my lunch at Yayoi Family Restaurant, to Nagoya Castle. I was not at a touristy district, but more of a office district. But even here, among the concrete buildings, I could see small shrines among the offices. Above is one example. But I didn't went in. I couldn't possibly stopped at every shrine or temple I see in Japan, cause they are just everywhere!

Along the way to the castle, I decided to walked pass an old shrine though, lol. Cause it was in a quiet place, there wasn't really anyone around. I saw the beautiful giant torii gate, and decided to walk in. 

It was still a traditional shrine, and the water pond where you were supposed to wash yourself was still there, no hand sanitiser in sight. I felt at peace here.

Everything was just stone and wood, among the greeneries. It made my heart calms down.

It was a weird temple, nested in perhaps some residential area. At the back of it, I found a stone tablet that was huge! It looked like so cool. Like something out of a story. I can't read the words on it. Was it a war memorial? Or something else?

Eventually I came to the Nagoya Castle ground, after crossing a huge road. It was such a long walk, and I was glad to take some shelter inside the castle! More of that in the next post.

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