Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Paris Icons - Eiffel Tower & Arc de Triomphe

14-Nov-2010 (Sunday). After visiting the Catacombes, the weather was looking up, so we decided to walk across Paris (from South East to North West) to see the famous sights of Paris, mainly the Eiffel Tower, & Arc de Triomphe. I don't know what is it with me and famous sights that almost every backpacking I do, it is always one of the last few days that I actually drag myself to these sights. To be totally honest, while in London, we totally missed out Big Ben and the Parliament House.
Anyway, walking across town was just lovely. I love walking around. You get to feel more of the heart beat of the city. You get to smell it, touch the rain water, and see the sights that most tourist never do. By the time we reached the Arc de Triomphe, it was already evening. And there was a memorial services being held there for in conjunction with Remembrance Day.

Here are some photo's taken by my hubby on the event. We got a pretty clear view of it. 

Remembrance Day
Eiffel Tower
Arc de Triomphe

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