Sunday, March 7, 2010

Growing Up with Fictional Role Models.

Although coming from a Chinese family, and studying in a Chinese school, it seems my life's value system is build on English Fiction. Here is an example of it, an excerpt from stories book that I felt made sense(dated 1993/94).

Now I ask you, does it make any sense to build your value system based on works of fiction? Just imagine that everything you've ever learned about your religion, about the law, about your country, is all based on fiction. Does it changes anything? Does it make you a worst person? Or a better person? Maybe fiction character is a better role model then a real one? Cause you can make a fiction character as perfect as you want to be.

Long live Raistlin Majere! :P
Long live Esmeralda Weatherwax! :P
And so many more fictional characters that helped shaped our value system! Scary!

Asterix Official Website
Raistlin Majere
Esmeralda Weatherwax

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