Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Brazil Afro Museum - Dolls

This post is all about dolls, but just a word of caution, it may not be all cuddly and cute kinda of doll. In face, this first photo is probably as cute as it is ever gonna get. So you have been warned! Read on!

The only reason I like the above doll was probably because of the super cotton clothes it was wearing. I just wanna hug it. But the love ends here, everything else below seems to be made of nightmare! Or to be more politically correct, vastly different from what I thought children toys should look like.

Above are figurines taken on my way to the toilet. There were many of them, but many were like child-made. I don't know, there was just this very rough feel to the things that were made. As if really childlike and not refine. Am I judging the whole culture? No. I just don't understand why they don't make it softer, smoother, less clay like. Perhaps that is why I got the whole voodoo vibe while looking at these things. They all look like clay like voodoo dolls, or golem. 

And then you see things like that hanging on the wall at the art section. If you have kids, what would they think??? Scared for life maybe? I'm not saying I'm against it. I'm just saying, you better not let your kids run around in this museums if you don't want them to have nightmares later! Haha. But to be frank, I am fascinated by it. Maybe there is just something dark inside my soul that is drawn to all these things. I am the type that is fascinated by the catacombs and cemetery. 

There was also a wall full of doll head. But that was not the scary part either. 

It's the nail thru one of the doll head. It kinda give you a hint of the sickness of the human brain doesn't it?

Or this one photo of an innocent looking doll head. Surely every girl has a doll like this when they were younger? Maybe not just the head, but a full bodied doll where the eyes open and closed as you move it? Nightmare. 

A collection of golliwog dolls were kinda cute and cuddly. There was something very British about these, probably from my childhood of reading Enid Blyton. 

And then next to it, another set of doll all scary again, especially the one with the white gown. Not sure if its a bride of a child. Either way, it's not OK for me. Nightmare! And before you think I am racist or bias, it's not the colour of the skin of the doll that is freaking me out, it's the gown. 

I initially thought that the above photo was ok. Two old people sitting by the window side. Almost cute. Then you see this tool behind with it's broken neck or torso! AH! hahahahaha. Nightmare. The Afro Museum is a super creepy museum to visit! But I'm not saying don't go. GO! It is different, it is interesting. No regrets visiting this place. Exposed yourself to the different things in the world! Stop staying in your own comfortable cocoon! 

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