Sunday, January 4, 2009

Just Share

One of the things on my "Life's To-Do List", is to get a photo published in the National Geographic magazine. To date, I've only submitted one photo to NatGeo so far, and although it was not publish, I kinda feel good about it in the sense that, hey, at least I've tried!

Today I am looking more at the local scene, and have started to submit my photos to the Singapore National Library Board instead. After living in Singapore for 10 years, I actually have more photos of Singapore then I do of my own country Malaysia! So if you're an arden fan of photography, or would like to view Singapore through photos taken by everyday people, do visit Public Libraries Singapore, and click on "Just Share". I enjoyed browsing thru some of the photos there very much.

Here's one of the photo I've uploaded titled "Progress - Always Moving Forward" to share with you guys. It's one of my favourite shots of Singapore :)

Oh by the way, National Geographic Society opened a store in Vivocity recently. Do check it out!

Public Libraries Singapore
National Geographic
Singapore NatGeo Store @ Vivocity


  1. There is an exhibition by Phillip Toledano 'Days with my father' at the Espanade Tunnel till this Sunday.

  2. Thanks for sharing. The collection of photos from the link you gave me was really beautiful! Maybe I'll do a collection of my father this May :)

