Thursday, April 11, 2019

Books and the Thirst of Knowledge

Not only do I like reading book, I like taking photograph of them. Especially with a nice cup of tea, coffee, chocolate, ice cream, cakes, sake etc. It is pleasing to the eye to look back later on. It helps that my house is full of beautiful things that goes well with book photography. I guess the reason I like these is because it looked so relaxing, and it captures the moment of me doing the things I love: drinking stuff, reading stuff, taking photo of stuff. So starting of with the above was taken last year November. Beautiful tea cup from Metrojaya Penang and probably green tea, and some sea salt dark chocolate! Sinful. Sea salt chocolate has a special place in my heart. I don't really eat them that often, but it brings me back to that day when someone share some leftover sea salt chocolate with me. That was just sweet...

The next two books were recent read as I got these only last week. The first one is a comic scribble of feminine sarcasm. It was a lovely funny book, but capture all the trouble with women accurately. While I was reading it, my hubby serve me some chilled sake, and our house was filled with these rose like flower of white and purple, and one full bloom was resting in a chola cup. Everything about the above photo is just beautiful, even the wooden fish shape coaster.

Last is this book I just finished on Sunday. I was sick a few days back, and was having an irritating cough, hence the pot of houjicha tea. The back drop is our wooden freeman-style coffee table. And the book is a philosophical writing on frugality, which I am totally in to. I am not a poor person, but in my new workplace, most people think I am because of the way I behave and my spending habit, the way I dress, the things I eat I guess. But when I do occasionally join them in a restaurant meal, I get irk our by their less than perfect dining etiquette. Guess sometimes I can be a snob. Lol.

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