Friday, December 27, 2019

June 2019

I'm actually writing April, May, and June's post on Christmas Day 2019, and I thought all of them would be the same, but boy was I so wrong! Every single one is different! And June is no different, cause I don't even know how to find any photo to mark the highlight for the month of June.  So I actually decided not to, with the exception of the last highlight. I will use my words to explain the first two points instead. 

For the first highlight, I finally made an appointment to go for a full body screening. I've always wanted to do that after I've turned 40, and have been putting it off since. Now, at age 42, I decided to go for it since it was covered by the company. I went to Raffles Hospital for my checkup, and it actually only took 2 hours or so. I even did a Pap Smear and Mammogram which I was expecting, but to my surprise, the doctor also did an rectal check on me! Is that what anal sex feels like! Totally shocked! Except for the usual cholesterol issue, slight overweight, and a slightly dense mammogram, I was totally fine. I was supposed to do a follow up on my mammogram in December again, but I skip it cause after being stress about it, my period actually skipped a month, and after that I was kinda fine with no issue. So I think I can wait another 5 years or so to do another follow up. 

The second highlight is actually a milestone for me. And that is achieving financial independence in the sense that I now have sufficient fund to last me till retirement and after (baring no financial emergency that is unforeseen and will wipe out my fortune). I've also managed to hit a 7 digit net worth in June. I was happy about the achievement, but I though it would just be temporary and didn't want to get too happy about it unless it maintain it's status for at least 6 months. Well, I am blogging this 6 months later, and I am happy to confirm that the status has maintained and improved along the way :)  I feel less pressured to work these days, and take life a lot more easy. You can expect lot's of change coming up in 2020.

Lastly, I had an awesome time dancing at East Coast Park by the beach with my favourite zumba instructor. He did ask me to dance with him for this event, but I told him I was busy (which was kinda true at that time). But I still turn up to support him, and got this nice photo together :) He always makes me happy whenever I attend his class, but I hardly ever talk to him. That's just me. Socially awkward and totally antisocial. It's amazing I still dance after all these years. But it is one thing that makes me the most happy on a daily basis. Keep on dancing Cordy! Dance and be free :)

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