Thursday, May 28, 2009

Amanawa Shimei Jinja Shrine (甘縄神明宮) Kamakura

Last but not least, we visited the oldest shrine in Kamakura, the Amanawa Shimei Jinja Shrine (甘縄神明宮) . It's not really a tourist attraction there. In fact there was no one there when we visit it. If it was not for our guide, we would never have known this shrine's existence, which I thought would have been a great lost. In fact, if you were to google "amanawa shinmei", you would only get one page of result!

The Shinto shrine was build in 710. Can you imagine what life was like in 710? To stand in the presence of something so ancient (almost 1200 years old!), and surrounded by the forest, is really quite an amazing and spiritual feeling.

And with that last shrine, ends our exploration of Kamakura, as we headed back to Tokyo for our next adventure.

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