Monday, February 4, 2019

UCC Drip Coffee

Before I start I would just like to admit that yes, this post is about coffee porn. It's just pictures and pictures of coffee I had at home. Even so, you must admit that the first cover photo above is kinda artistic, right? It's one of my favourite in this UCC Drip coffee collection. Above, coffee taken with Korean snacks, a gift from my ex-colleague Toby! And I just love the Japanese slippers just being silently there as part of the photo that makes it so artistic. 

Above is one of the very first pack I had after buying them for the first time sometime in November. If you would like to know the history of these drip coffee, refer to the link here. Currently I have only 1 pack left as I've drank most of it already. I did however gave away 2 packs to my office secretary in exchange for some Vietnamese coffee she gave me. Above cup was drank together with Mark and Spencer's double chocolate flapjacks which I got for myself for Christmas. 

To be frank, although there were 7 unique variety in the pack, after drinking all of them, I can't really tell them apart much. But I do know that I can now no longer drink instant coffee that contains sugar. I got myself a nice Bene Coffee from Don Don Donki for my birthday as the packaging was so cute. Luckily for me, there was only 5 sticks of pre-mixed coffee inside. It was a mocha coffee mix, but it was so diluted and sweet that I had to throw half the cup away cause the sweet taste was kinda irking me too much. 

Coffee break has become a kinda ritual for me. I love drinking them with snacks. Above is Zambia coffee paired with Penang Tambun biscuit. I love how the bitter dark coffee taste cuts thru sweet treats. The contrast kinda make the treat seems so much more sweeter. 

So this is what inside each pack looks like. It comes with a drip bag that contains the coffee already grinded. There are numberings on the drip paper, so just follow it to tear accordingly and place it on top of your desired mug. Pour just boiled water on it, just enough to soak the coffee and let it sit for 10 seconds, before starting to pour more to make the drip coffee. One pack is enough to make just one cup. Anything more and it becomes too diluted. 

Sometimes I have them for breakfast too. Usually on weekends when I have the time to make something nice and light to go with the coffee. Above are my peanut butter banana waffles. It sounds so healthy, but the peanut butter is really plain in terms of taste. I saw a guy eating peanut butter spread with sugar. Maybe I'll try that next time. 

In case the above photo of how the drip filter sits on the mug is not clear enough, here is another nice shot, this time with a Colombia Blend drop coffee. You see, my Japanese has not totally gone to waste at all!

I saved this pack as the last unique pack to try as apparently this is one of their winning premium blend. Again, can't really tell the different. But one thing did happened though. When I first started out, it was just for the fun and curious factor. But when I was finally down to my last 3 pack, it dawn on me that it was gonna be hard to go back to other types of coffee cause believe it or not, I was hooked! These coffee are relaxing and smooth to the taste. My first few cup was rather bitter and I thought I'll just finished everything else and be done with it. But now, I actually look forward to drinking them, and now I am considering getting a refill cause, yeah, they kinda grow on you. Plus, they are cheaper than my espresso by almost half the price. They are also calming for me, like tea, but stronger. I've gone into my cold brew tea phase now, so these coffee are the only hot beverage that I indulge in now.

So since DonDonDonki is open through out Chinese New Year, maybe I'll go get a pack since they last me around 3 months. Small reward for each weekend that I survive. Plus, saves me tonnes of money as compared to having fancy coffee outside at the cafe! Above taken just a few days ago prior to Chinese New Year: Johan's chocolate croissant. pineapple tarts, and almond chocolate cookies from my Chiense New Year slash. Bye for now.

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