Saturday, November 17, 2018

Home cooked Okonomiyaki (a.k.a. Japanese Pizza)

Have you ever eaten Okonomiya before? If you've lived in Singapore before, you may have seen some badly made one selling at your local pasar malam or food fest. Trust me, it's better to make it yourself. Maybe I'm snobbish, but I seriously think that those you make at home are like 10 times better cause you can control everything about it. So above the ingredient used. I bought the flour specially from Isetan, but I read somewhere that you can make the same thing using 1 cup multi purpose flour with 1 tablespoon of dashi powder. Once I finished all my flour, I'll try that as I already got my dashi powder ready. One pack of flour cost SGD3. As compared to 6 packs of dashi powder costing SGD3 or so. I can make them 6 times! Multi purpose flour is a staple ingredient in my home anyway, for those desperate waffles and muffin moments. Oh year, you also need the Okonomiyaki sauce. I got mine at SGD2 for 200g from Toku-Tokuya. Having Japanese mayonnaise and bonito shaves also adds to the flavour. The first time I made these, I couldn't kind pork slices, so I use bacon instead. I've also tried making them with cheese sausages. It doesn't really matter what you put on it, the sauce and the cabbage are the star of this dish!

The wonderful thing about this dish is, it's really really healthy cause mine is made mainly from lots and lots of cabbage. I seriously think I won't have a problem going on a cabbage diet cause I love cabbage. I like to eat them in soup, fried with eggs, or in an okonomiya. They taste so sweet to me. So just mix the flour up with egg and cabbage and fry they like pancake with toppings of bacon or any meat. Each side is around 3 to 4 minutes, and then flip and do the same. 

Once it's done, the top photo is what it looked like. You then cover it with mayonnaise, okonomiyaki sauce, some seaweed or spring onions, and bonito flakes. The most challenging part for me so far it to flip it to make it a perfect round shape, cause sometimes the whole thing just breaks apart. But it's ok! You can assemble them back, patch it all up or just put them together and proceed to put the sauces on them when you serve them. It doesn't really matter.

Here's a successful one I made on my first try. Doesn't it look just so professional? And even though it looked like a big portion, just remember, its mainly just cabbage. I can actually eat two plates of this per sitting and still lose weight for that day. Cabbage are awesome food! Good luck trying this recipe! You can also get more variety of ideas from the link below. 

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