Monday, April 13, 2020

Biz Trip Bangalore Shopping (May 2019)

There wasn't much to do once work was done for the day. So my boss took me to malls as he had so much errants and shopping to do. I was starting to realise what a shopperholic he was. This proves true even on our next trip together to Sao Paulo, but that's another collection of post that, hopefully, will be coming out soon! Anyway, there was one day we took the tub-tuk to the biggest mall in Bangalore, Phoenix Mall. I was pretty blown away. It was a super modern mall, and had all the big brands there. I did manage to do some shopping while I was there. Below are some of the things I got for myself as well as friends and colleagues.

First off, I told my boss I wanted to go to a bookstore. He gamely took me to one on the first day after work. I got the above three books. Each was like, less than SGD10. I got the first one from left to right because I love Rumi's poetry, and am hoping that this would be just as good. I'm a sucker for ancient romantic poems. Next was a 2-in-1 book by a religious guru? I don't know, but I do watch his talks from time to time on youtube and really enjoyed watching him talk. And lastly, a book recommendation by my ex-vendor/colleagues/friend. 

We also took time to go groceries shopping for snacks. I got the Lay's masala chips which is so addictive. There was an offer on and they gave the Lay's Maxx Chilli chips which was also equally addictive. I also got some Bru coffee cause it taste super nice and cause like SGD2 per glass in Singapore! 

Lastly, just before we left, I got all the super sweet condense milk candies from a shop just outside the airport. My boss recommended it as it's kinda like a cooperation that helps farmers with small volume of cows. All in all, I am always happy to travel to new places. I guess that would me one of the things I will miss most when I decided to go back and work from a local company. I am still pondering whether I would regret it. But since I am "sundowning" myself soon, let's contribute back to my host country one last time! lol. 

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