Sunday, March 3, 2024

Solo Trip - Kuala Lumpur (November 2022) - MinNature Malaysia Best Part


One of the most fun part of MinNature, was the scavenger hunt that is made available in certain parts of the exhibit. Can you imagine, looking for things in a miniature world where everything was already so tiny? I sometimes have to use my zoom camera to zoom in to confirm whether I spotted the correct character! And in a landscape so huge, it took forever to scan every inch to find the things you are looking for. Almost like a needle in a haystack!

So above is the rule of the game. I think it was there to keep the kids entertain. But BOY was I entertained! It was so irritating when you can't find them! And I was so hungry when it was closed to lunch time too! And the best part was, some of the characters are like curve balls. They can literally ask you to hunt for anything! Which makes it both hilarious and fun. Well done Team MinNature! I love your punny sense of humour!

When they say it can be anything, it is literally anything. Above is The Beatles! Innocently crossing some zebra crossing in some Malaysian landscape. In real life, they would have been dead as zebra crossings don't work in Malaysia! Hahahaha. 

A freaking looking Doraemon was also spotted. Probably Made in China quality! Haha!

I love this one, can you spot them? On the root of Mr DIY shop.

There was a room of Disney characters. Here's Buzz Lightyear standing far from the crowd. 

Or Shrek and Donkey in some Malay kampung or tin mine in Ipoh!

And being a Marvel fan (just fan, not die hard fan. I'm more of a DC kinda gal), the hunt for Marvel Character was also super fun!

I mean, come on, Hulk in a Minangkebau house in Negeri Sembilan? Genious!

Or whoever this one-of-the Xmen is standing on the roof behind some Mughal architecture. 

You'd think this Thor was easy to find, but it took ages! Cause you were scanning the wide ground for characters.

And he was standing on a cliff behind all these freaking cows! A tiny speck of red!

Almost looking like ants, spiderman and whoever that was....

Or Scarlet Witch and Vision. You can't really tell it is them unless you refer back to the scavenger hunting guide.

Flash and (here's) The Thing! Hahaha (laugh in insider Singapore Internet Blue Cat joke).

Black Widow being placed far up in some crane....

They even have a weird mesh up of Mario pipes and TMNT (That's teenage mutant ninja turtle to you uneducated adults!). In the middle, they even have the shreadder.... (hahahaha, another insider joke)

Ok, enough lameness. Last punny racist sign above. I can post it cause I'm Chinese!

And so ends our long winded posts of MinNature! Go check them out when you are ever in KL. It is the most fun museum I've been to in the whole of Malaysia!

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